Nana Bo and cam

Granny Robin brought this sweet birthday cake-from Nothing Bundt Cake in SLC

dax had a little present to open to be distracted enough to not open Cam's presents

Cake yum-yummy

Brin and the birthday boy
-------Cameron's 1st Birthday!!--------
Sorry I kinda forgot, okay maybe not forgot but I am just glad to finally getting this on here! We had a big family BBQ for the little guy's b-day-- Dayton put up a batmitten court in the backyard, complete with marking the court with "special" lawn spraypaint! Of course I made too much food ( I have a problem w/ always over doing it!) We were eating several kinds of salads for over a week! Nothing like a little potatoe salad to start your day! Cam loved opening the presents , loved the crunchy wrapping paper- But as all of us parents know, He only needed 1 present, The first one was all he was interested in. He wasn't as into the cake as Dax was at one but Cam still is weird about solids and has the worst gag reflex this side of the Mississippi! So in closing thank you to everyone who came!! It was awesome fun :)