Monday, November 3, 2008

........................................................HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!
Do I love the 31st of October?? Oh yeah! It really might be my favorite holiday of the year! We had a great time taking my little sisters Haylee and Brin along with the star of the night, Dax!! He caught on like it was his 10th Halloween not his 1st ( well second but this year he was game). He only had to venture to the first house to understand that if you say Trick-o-treat; people will hand you delicious sweets, and because your just a little guy they will let you reach into the bowl and get not just one but a minimum of 5 treats!! Nobody stopped him, I mean nobody!! So now like every other Mom......I am dealing with the "evil" Dax! What is evil Dax, you ask--it's the monster that lives inside my little sweetheart. And the secret trigger that sets the monster loose......That d*mn
candy!! I can't think of a place yet that he hasn't sniffed it out! So maybe I'll just eat it all myself, yeah that sounds like a great idea :)
Oh in case you are like what the heck are you guys dressed up as-- Dayton is the Mad Scientist, I'm his foxy lab assistant and the boys are our experiments gone wrong....Frankenstein and and a "little monster".


Beccarigg said...

LOL! I've been dealing with the "evil Teya" too! When we went trick or treating she wanted to eat every piece of candy right after she got it. She seriously ate more candy than she brought home. That made for a real pleasant evening I'm sure you can imagine! I'm thinking maybe I'll stick her candy in the freezer. I doubt she'll find it in there and I won't be as tempted to eat frozen chocolate as I would if it was just sitting out. Anyway, great costumes, you guys look awesome!

The House that James Built said...

it was so good to see you guys yesterday! thanks again for jonsies haircut! xoxo you guys are such good parents to get decked out...

Anonymous said...

Love the blog! How are you doing?

heather said...

hey candice!! i love how much you get into halloween! you're the best. i miss seeing you at the ol best buy....come in soon ok?!