Monday, September 22, 2008

Meet my new "friend"

I would like to introduce all of you to a new friend of mine. We have become quite friendly over the last few weeks and seem to be becoming closer day by day. I don't know her name but the tattoo on her "seat" says "time-out Tillie"...........
Let me tell you how we were introduced, The person that introduced us wishes to remain anonymous so we will call him "Dax"-- This new friend is the only one whose punishments mean anything to my little Hulk......What would cause me to let my "new friend" punish my 2 year old son?? Maybe pushing our helpless lil' brother to the ground while stealing whatever small, insignificant fraction of a toy he was able to scramble up to play with, maybe a tantrum or two, or three or what the h*ll let's just make it an even baker's dozen........It's very interesting the friends you make when you become a Mom, they are sometimes in the least likely of places ( my own kitchen per say) Do any of you Mommy friends of mine have any like my new buddy????


Kasey said...

We have a wall. It's not as exciting as your friend, but there is always a wall nearby when I need it, and I need it lots and am too lazy to march them to the naughty seat, like I planned once upon a time. Except when Todd almost burn down my house, then it's his room, up the stairs and all!

Julia said...

I'm glad that Macey isn't the only 2 year old picking on their 1 year old sibling. Macey gets put in her crib with the crib tent zipped. It's the only place that can contain her wrath...

Erin said...

Hey lady, I love the chair. I need to get me one of those. By the way, so not offended by the comment you left on my blog about my white trash cousins. I just couldn't say it in my post (just in case any of them happened upon it). Yah, supa' white trash! It makes me so glad my Dad wanted out of that life style and got an education and moved to Cali. There aint' na southern Utah in me!

Bobbilynn said...

I hope you don't mind i found your blog through Ashlee and Heather Ewell. Your boys are so cute! and this post cracks me up! I babysit my nephew who's 10 months older than Miley and my new friend is the stairs. He likes to visit them often. :)


ps my blog's private so send me your email and I'll send you an invite if you want.