Saturday, February 26, 2011

I felt Inspired.......

As you san see fanny-packs are very flattering  ;)

OK it's official this is the worst photo I could will be the official 'Before' photo like the ones people show on the Nutri-system commercials!

Our couple picture last fall I had started 'no sugar' 4 days before this picture ws taken--I really thought standing behind the post would make me appear thinner :) Notice how slim and muscular my hubby looks :P

     I felt that to help me have continued success at my goal of losing weight it would help to do as my sister-n-law Chelsea did and talk about it on here and have some peeps to help me be accountable and I wonder lie, reading comments of encouragement never hurts! Well if I am going to be honest I will start with saying that I had put on weight after we got married and that weight was still hanging on when we started our family :) Surprisingly When I was preggo w/ Dax I was so sick I delivered him weighing about 14 lbs less than my pre-preg weight ( sounds impressive til' I mention I delivered him at a slim 202 lbs) and after his delivery and nursing my weight stabilized and I eventually made my way down about another 10 lbs-- When Dax was about 4 1/2 mon old We found out we were preggo w/ Cam :) I wasn't as sick and still did well and delivered the little guy weighing just a few more lbs than with Dax-- Welcome chasing 2 babies and pretty much eating whatever fell off the high-chair :)I got some decent regular exercise, but pair that with I REALLY Like to bake and cook and the word "portion size" was not a regular word in my vocabulary! We were very lucky to welcome Mr. Goose almost a year ago ( baby is almost one) And you may not have known to look at me but I weighed in at a whopping 2...2...6...when I delivered....Yikes just writing that makes me want to go "feed my feelings"--hahaha...............................Fast forward to last October and I waddling around having lost at one time 16 lbs but more importantly gaining 8 of that back :( 
   So what happened you ask? Well I started a serious 'no sugar' diet for about a month-- The first 3 days were agony..I could have kidnapped a girl scout if in return she handed over even one box of Samoa's!! But after that 3 day hump, the cravings were surprisingly pretty much gone :) I definitely was getting enough to eat ( you ate every 2 hrs to keep your blood sugar from dropping to low) and with my dear sweet husband following the program with me :) I didn't have to mope at the table eating steamed veggies & chicken while watching Dayton eating Lasagna or something :) I also dropped the carbonated soda which was rough.....I love the burn of carbonation--- Began working out 3x a week-- doing 3 sets of different weights and a minimum of 25 min of cardio-mostly the elliptical, but also doing some time on the treadmill-- What happened after one month was pretty surprising even to me! I lost 12 lbs and had wayyy more energy and knew that I couldn't keep up the "no sugar" but if I was smart about it I could continue on with eating semi-normal just paying close attention to portion size. Fast forward to Thanksgiving and after my girlfriend Bunny telling me along with my sister-n-law Miken how much they loved doing Zumba ( its a cardio workout via latin dancing infused with aerobics) I went to a free class they held on Thanksgiving morning were they claimed do this class and you can eat whatever you like today! How was I sold?? On that last part--It was Thanksgiving and I was going to enjoy myself :) After the hour class I was hooked!! This was by far the most fun thing I had done in a long time!! Started going regularly in December and not to blog every detail but today I am topping the scales at 188-190 depending on the day-- So in the last year I have gone down over 36 lbs!!!! To write that makes butterflies swarm in my tummy!! I am today a happier, more patient and loving wife and mother!! I am able to keep up with my 3 little boys and am feeling pretty good about myself!! We have our annual family trip to Mexico the first week of June so that gives me approx. 13.57 weeks to try to get to my goal of losing another 18-20 lbs so roughly losing about 1.5 lbs a week--which is not a unreasonable goal!!! I am proud to add that I'm not using any stimulants, 'diet pills', fat blockers ect. just doing it the ol' fashioned way of eating healthy and exercise! If this is going to be a life change not just a get in shape for a beach vacation, I can't think that I can use any of that crap cuz' in a half a doughnut second I could think that I could take those and not see that I can do this all by myself :)
     So I am continuing on with my working out-- I go to Zumba M-W-F and do a Weight class called Sculpt & Burn on T-TH-Sat-- I am about to step up my game since Valentines we've had chocolate in the house and time to just toss the rest in the trash :) I plan on checking in here about once a week! I in closing want to Thank Dayton for being my rock! He is so supportive of me and my goals! He's never complained about the hour I sneak off after the boys go to bed and is always complimenting me on my success!And even when I was heavier I never felt any less loved, Love you dear!
Our camera is being weird, had to have Dayton take one with his phone. Better pictures to come as more results are conquered!


Julia said...

Two words for you, girl: KICK ASS! So proud of you! Keep it up.

Kasey said...

No matter what Candice, you always look amazing! Way to go and keep it up! I'm nursing right now so I can't really do what I want to lose my weight, but I know diching the sugar and getting off the sauce, AKA Diet Dew, really works. I think I'll start Monday. I'm thinking shedding for the wedding! Oh wait, I'm already married. Oh well, shed to look as awesome as you then!

Curt, Lace and Harper said...

Great job Candice! I love Zumba too it is so fun, and I have never found anything that makes you burn calories like it does. Keep it Up! Losing baby weight sucks for sure. Here is to swim suit bodies and to feeling comfortable with the way we look :)!!!!! You look great!!!

Beccarigg said...

You go girl!!! You are already looking awesome and I know you'll just keep losing with all that hard work I'm in the same boat right now trying to lose the baby weight and man it takes DISCIPLINE!! I mean, there's always something going on where yummy treats are being served. Baby showers, birthdays, dinner with friends, etc... I keep using those things as reasons to splurge but if I keep doing that I'll never lose the weight because those things always seem to be happening. So yeah, I'm trying to buckle down and stick with healthier choices even when it's hard. Sounds like you have a great plan though and it's so awesome that Dayton is so supportive. I always think that makes the biggest difference. Good luck, can't wait to hear about your progress!
p.s. that line about kidnapping a girl scout was hilarious! so funny!

Chelsea and Glen said...

Go Candice! I can't wait to see you in Mexico! You are going to look even more awesome than you do now! By the way, I weighed about 240 when I had George... Shhhh... don't tell anyone...

Unknown said...

Hey Candice!
It's been forever! You look FANTASTIC!! I am jealous! I lost 50 lbs since last February but in the last two months I'v all of a sudden started packing on the pounds..15 to be exact!! Your an inspiriation, I think I might try to not eat sugar today!
Keep up the good work!

Erin said...

Way to go Can!! I'm so proud of you. Still eating your almonds? (haha) I've loved the little snippets my mom has given me every now and again of how you and Dayt are doing. LeRand asked her the other day if Dayton is still huge and she said "heack yeah!" or something. Then LeRand went and did leg lifts. We've been better lately about not bringing treats into the house because we just sit and eat them 'til they're gone, pretty much in one sitting, and then feel SOOO sick afterward, it's awesome.;) I should send you some killer recipes. Actually, I keep toying with the idea of posting them on my blog so I should just do that. They always use stuff that's in season so it's cheaper (bonus!). Love you tons, sweet, friend, and I so wish I could work out with you. We'd get our ab work out just by laughing. Miss you!

The House that James Built said...

wow girly-- you look great! i'm so proud of you doing things "right" it is the only way it will last and your body deserves to be treated well rather than a crash diet or deprivation. did zumba a few weeks ago and loved it too- other than the tennis elbow i had after from shaking my arms so much. yay for you. so glad you FEEL good most importantly!! read the ten step no diet fitness plan if you haven't already. think i told you about it a few years ago. it's great. and would be right up your ally right now.

Kasey said...

Ah, thanks! I actually just posted a video on my FB of her almost crawling. I'm not sure what her deal is but she just wants to be big! Check it out.

Anonymous said...

You are GORGEOUS! And thank you for introducing me to Sculpt and Burn! Love ya girlie!

Brooke said...

You are amazing to say the least! I'm so proud of you and your success---Keep it up, you look great!