I would like to introduce all of you to a new friend of mine. We have become quite friendly over the last few weeks and seem to be becoming closer day by day. I don't know her name but the tattoo on her "seat" says "time-out Tillie"...........
Let me tell you how we were introduced, The person that introduced us wishes to remain anonymous so we will call him "Dax"-- This new friend is the only one whose punishments mean anything to my little Hulk......What would cause me to let my "new friend" punish my 2 year old son?? Maybe pushing our helpless lil' brother to the ground while stealing whatever small, insignificant fraction of a toy he was able to scramble up to play with, maybe a tantrum or two, or three or what the h*ll let's just make it an even baker's dozen........It's very interesting the friends you make when you become a Mom, they are sometimes in the least likely of places ( my own kitchen per say) Do any of you Mommy friends of mine have any like my new buddy????