Monday, September 22, 2008

Meet my new "friend"

I would like to introduce all of you to a new friend of mine. We have become quite friendly over the last few weeks and seem to be becoming closer day by day. I don't know her name but the tattoo on her "seat" says "time-out Tillie"...........
Let me tell you how we were introduced, The person that introduced us wishes to remain anonymous so we will call him "Dax"-- This new friend is the only one whose punishments mean anything to my little Hulk......What would cause me to let my "new friend" punish my 2 year old son?? Maybe pushing our helpless lil' brother to the ground while stealing whatever small, insignificant fraction of a toy he was able to scramble up to play with, maybe a tantrum or two, or three or what the h*ll let's just make it an even baker's dozen........It's very interesting the friends you make when you become a Mom, they are sometimes in the least likely of places ( my own kitchen per say) Do any of you Mommy friends of mine have any like my new buddy????

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

DisneyLand 2008

Well... we pretty much fly by the seat of our pants most of the time-- We were suppose to head down to New Mexico to see My Dad, Grandma and sisters this last week then everything kinda fell through-- My Dad ended up working out of town-- So the trip was cancelled, But I had work off, and My little Bro Drew did too and well all of us were chomping at the bit for a vacation-- So Dayton and I decided to go to Disneyland--So we drove out Thursday hopped back & forth between the two parks, and drove back Sunday-- The boys loved it! Dax is 37" tall which he was able to ride some of the adult rides--He even rode Matterhorn (I can't remember how they spell it)twice- each time his eyes were covered when the scary Yetti was near-- Both boys loved Pirates of the Caribbean-- Each falling asleep on it! Dax loved the new "Finding Nemo" submarine ride-- And I know you are all asking "what was Dax's favorite ride" It was the Train! You know the train that goes around the park--through pre-historic land and the Grand Canyon-- He was living outside of his mind as his Uncle Taylor would say!!! He just kept saying "Tain, Tain, tain- choo-choo" Well I am happy to be back home but the hardest part poor Dax is in detox mode right now.....He has never had a lot of sugar or "crap-food", So now that we away from Churro-frenchfry-cottoncandy Land-- He is kinda onry ( to say the least) And sadly I didn't get a ton of pictures--I'm gonna blame it on all the fun we had!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I'm trying to decide if dax even knows what's going on ?
Cam (with his new haircut) smiling as usual :)
Dayton's idea of FUN

So when Dayton is watching the boys he does all the stuff you couldn't get me to do even if my life depended on it-- I'm getting better w/ bugs but that doesn't mean I didn't just throw a perfectly good duffle bag away cuz' I found a dead roach in it--But yeah Dayton loves finding the bugs and seeing how the boys react to them and by the pictures--They have no "bug issues" like Momma :)