Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Can you spot what these pictures have in common?

Here is a picture of Dax at 9 mon old..............

Here is a picture of Cameron taken last week....................................Can you spot the difference?


Beccarigg said...

Same jammies? lol! Awesome!

Julia said...

Same jammies, but big difference in the size/age of the jammie-wearer!

Chelsea and Glen said...

That is why he was known as Fat Dax and Fatty Fatterton, etc.

Dayton and Candice said...

Well.....dax at the age of 9 months weighed like 28 lbs!! I know...he was a tank & then some, Cam is my lean and mean kid--He has no fat on his little body and we've kept these jammies around, Gus could easily wear them in a couple months...He totally taking after Dax!