Wow I just saw I haven't been on here since July 1st!! Crazy well lots has happened since then--Dax had a moment of insanity and broke our camera so thank goodness for Dayton's blackberry and its decent picture taking abilities. We had a great summer of being outdoors and good ol' seven peaks it only took Cam half the summer and he finally got brave enough to follow his "fish" of a brother around! I spent the last part of summer pretty sick......Don't worry no swine flu here just the first trimester of pregnancy which in my case I kinda want to crawl in a hole and pray I fall into a deep sleep til' about 16 weeks and emerge a normal, non-nauseous wife and mother :) We found out about a week ago we are going to have a BOY!!! So now the hard part is coming up with a name Dayton and me agree on......Hmm, more on that later- We are going to fast-forward to Halloween! Which at our house we absolutely love :) Cameron was as his loving father called him "count-dorkula" and Dax was "Skele-turd"--otherwise known as DRacula and a Skeleton-- Dayton is a crazy pumpkin craving fool, if he could make a living at it he would in a heartbeat! He carved me a special Michael Jackson tribute pumpkin as you will see below, i absolutely loved it!! Dayton and me dressed full-out but forgot to get pictures...I know my plan is to get a nice camera for Christmas :) I really plan on making blogging part of my routine again for I love those of you who are dedicated!! We leave this Saturday for a trip to Arizona and on to Disneyland!!! We are so excited to have break from life and spend some time all together in our favorite place-So I'll have pics up in a couple weeks-- :)