Hey Everyone!
I'm sorry life has gotten a little crazy and now it's starting to keep pace and I may include "blogging" back to my weekly hobbies :) I started back to work fulltime...first at AT&T and well long story short it wasn't for me--I was working at the computer all day, doing inventory, paperwork---No customer service which at first I was like "Yes!!!I hate the public, I am sick and tired of helping people"...I am a big ol' liar, I love people, I am what they call a "people-person"-- SO I left AT&T gracefully to become the Asst. Manager at the jewelry store and I am feeling a whole lot better about everything and with the Boys this schedule is perfect--I am with them til they go down for their nap at 1pm--then Dayton and I do the switch-er-roo and I'm off. We are gearing up for a romantic Valentines Weekend-- Dayton is taking the Boys and myself to MONSTER TRUCKS at the Delta center on Saturday :) And I know you are wondering why I capitalized MONSTER TRUCKS....you have to..... it's shows how freakin' awesome they are :)
Here is the Santa pics from Christmas......As you can see Dax was like "h*ll no who is this man" and Cam was like" HI i'm Cameron, I like everyone"