Well here is what could be the cutest melt my heart pictures of my 7, yes 7 month old baby Goose!! And the poor guy had to ring in his 7 month old status needing to get tubes in his ears.....:( The little man has had seven, yes seven ( I'm having deja vu) ear infection since he was born. So Dr. Clayton said it's time he see a ENT--So 4 days later we saw Dr. Beus and the 2 days later we were up at dawn's crack at Utah Valley Hospital with our little man who had the worst night ever...Finally got to bed just before 1 am only to have Mom wake him up at 5:30 am and I couldn't give him a baba ( That's another sad moment...Gus is weaned and I really think it's because it hurt his ears :( It was a little surreal for me to put him in his baby size hospital gown...and also I couldn't keep the smile off my face, Cuz' as you can see he's just ADORABLE!
It was really fast, I mean I felt like he was out of our sight for like 5 minutes. And happy to report he wasn't to sad coming out of anesthesia, I heard some horror stories about kids really hysterical so I was freaking out a little. But all went great and even by the middle of the day he was napping like he never has before!! And besides having teething symptoms coming on now, He is just so stinkin' Happy!! So thank you Dr. Beus!! And also here at our house Halloween is in full affect, Here's the first of the 7, yes 7 pumpkins we have to carve!